Sawyer Trys Peterson’s Automated Mill

Peterson’s Automated Mill (ASM) is their answer to production level milling while retaining portability. The new Peterson ASM will be launched in Australia at AusTimber 2004 and will then go on a demonstration tour of Australia over the following weeks.

Skepticism about the new Peterson Automated Saw Mill quickly turned to high praise for a New Zealand commercial sawmiller after he used the automated mill for just one day.

Full time commercial miller Kelvin Williams doesn’t want the hassle of employing labour or have the large maintenance and operating costs that go with commercial milling. So, he runs a Peterson manual mill and pays the price on production instead.


Automated Mill


Kelvin first saw the ASM operating at Mystery Creek Fieldays in June and was pretty skeptical about it because of the electronics. “Watching from a distance it looked a pretty complex and sophisticated piece of kit and I like the simple operation of my Peterson manual mill,” he said.

“Anyway, Chris brought it out to my place a couple of days before the Hamilton ASM field day, which I was hosting, and left it with me after showing me how to use it. I found it pretty quick to pick up, it’s definitely not as complicated as I first thought and it’s just as versatile as the Peterson manual mills – especially as it can double cut.”

“I cut more timber in one day on my own than I do in a day on my manual mill with two people, which pleased my wife Gayleen as she got the day off.”

“It’s an awesome mill”

“The only downside I see is that it takes a bit longer to set up than the manual mill, but then I guess that’s practice and you make it back in production. The Peterson ASM answers all the questions for me.

“I’ve had a look at what else is out there and tested a few but for my money the ASM is one of the fastest on the market – it’s an awesome mill.

“I didn’t want Chris to take it back to the factory. Now that he has, I’m putting my 10” 24hp Peterson WPF on the market, so I can buy the ASM.”

Read more about Peterson’s Automated Mill (ASM) by clicking here!

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