October 29, 2015
OK so today the long and short of it is that the multi-talented Jamie Otter in our sales and marketing office will be leaving us. Nobody got fired. Nobody is jumping a sinking ship (we’re well and truly afloat!). And I didn’t have to gloss over the real reasons.
True family-man Jamie will simply be moving into a job working alongside his family. How sweet.
But if your ‘work family’ is as tight as ours and your employees so valued, their departure is a loss felt by the whole team. Lucky for us, Jamie has promised to continue his awesome work on our videos which we all look forward to with anticipation.
My lovely husband Chris has offered to help out with technical sales calls in the meantime and while he’s not so keen on the keyboard, he’ll certainly be available on the phone should our customers need him.
I, along with the rest of our staff, certainly wish Jamie the best of luck in his new role.
Whew! I can open the door again now.
Until next week…