Fresh start in 2017

Here in New Zealand, Christmas and New Year holidays coincide with our annual summer break. New Year’s Eve is traditionally a time for review and reflection, but in New Zealand summer, it’s premium activity time!

We had a brilliant family holiday in Australia, and came home to continue our trail running and sawmilling adventures in New Zealand.

Kerris and powertools, home woodworking project
Kerris and powertools, home woodworking project

The Peterson factory was closed from 16 December until 12 January, but that didn’t stop me making home projects. Just after Christmas I built a nice little luggage bench/divan for the guest room. Give me a power tool and pity my husband’s ears when I can’t find the attachments…

A few months back our daughter Aria had started her first after-school job. What a milestone: “Chris and I have a grownup daughter!” This month, SHE took ME out for dinner.

Kerris and daughter Aria on a dinner date, January 2017
Kerris and daughter Aria on a dinner date, January 2017

While Aria and I entertained ourselves at home in Rotorua, Chris and our 14-year-old son spent a week in Gisborne with one of our Peterson WPF mills.

On his first day operating the mill, Javier produced 3m3 (1200 boardfeet) premium Macrocarpa sleepers. He preferred running the mill; and only that. Dad/Chris had to do the tailing AND the fresh log loading while Javier rested between logs in the cool of the van!

Over four days, Chris and Javier cut 8000 board feet. Great work young man.

Our family is growing up.


Javier in full safety gear in 30C heat, Gisborne New Zealand. Macrocarpa Sleepers.
Javier in full safety gear in 30C heat, Gisborne New Zealand. Macrocarpa Sleepers.
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Looking for our sawmill prices?

Peterson Portable Sawmills manufacture and export worldwide from our factory in Rotorua, New Zealand. Encountering fluctuating freight, raw materials, currencies and export costs, therefore we have tailored pricelists pertaining to each country.
We also have over 40 different mill configurations to suit all applications, so it often helps to call and speak to us about your particular needs.

If you would like to recieve a copy of our digital Info Pack and Price List, please click here.