Though I am the CEO of Petersons, I also have running business interests in other activities : including a Bed-and-Breakfast; working with Chris to guide our two teenagers to adulthood; coordinating “Jogging the Powerpoles”, a trail running training group; and – as you read in my column in early March – campaigning for volunteer awards to support and encourage people to challenge themselves to improved family health, primarily through trail running.
On 11 February my personal challenge was to compete in the Tarawera Ultramarathon 100km distance. In 2015, I’d started with the 60km distance, ramped up to the 85km distance in 2016, and 2017 was the final challenge!! This running business was getting serious!
11FEB : I was prepared for the 102km ultra-distance. I reached the 4okm aid station with time to spare, picked up my pacing companion at 62km, reached the 85km aid station within the required cut-off time, and less than 20 hours from start to finish … completed the full 102km, feeling great! I totally EARNED my finisher’s medal.
Within hours, my “smashed it” race report turned from dream to nightmare. After being driven home, I fell out of the car and collapsed onto the driveway, requiring emergency cardiac nursing, an ambulance ride, two bags of fluid, and a tentative diagnosis of blood stasis in the feet. My feet hurt. A lot. After all, I had trekked 102km of roots and gravel and mountains. At the hospital I’m visited by doctors, then nurses, then the St John’s crew. I ask to leave so I can get some sleep. I’m allowed to leave the hospital ONLY when I promise to keep my feet up at home. I’m finally able to rest at home, along with Googling a self-diagnosis of Cellulitis. I then contacted my personal physician, who confirmed the diagnosis and got me on the right antibiotics immediately. My feet started recovering the next day!
So while my focus was on running business and post-run personal health, Peterson Portable Sawmills didn’t receive much of my attention through February and March.
Thank goodness for staff who are just as passionate about Peterson’s swingmill technology as Chris and I. The Marketing Sales Team of Layla Robinson, Aaron Kalan, and Ezra Newick came up with a plan to make promotional photos and video with (each of) the Peterson mill range as they were built.
A 10″ All Terrain Sawmill was ready for testing and dispatch in February, so the ATS became the first photo-shoot model.
Aaron Kalan and Ezra Newick are the guys you’ll be talking to when you have questions about portable sawmills and the advantages of our Peterson swingblade technology, so Layla has produced footage showing them operating the mills, making adjustments to the blade and winch to perfect the cut, and a time-lapse video to demonstrate how quick and easy it is to set up the mill on site.
This CEO is proud to know the Peterson Team get on with making-and-selling-sawmills, even when I am preoccupied with ‘running business’.