
Upgrade your existing mill’s cut width, length, height, and sizing efficiency with these Portable Sawmill upgrades.

Electric Winch Upgrade

Want to make sizing on your DWS, WPF or JP even easier? Make milling even easier with this efficient solution. The electric winch kit is the perfect upgrade for your portable sawmill.

Giant Frame Upgrade

An exclusive feature available on all Peterson Production Frames (WPF, DWS, ASM) is the ability to custom-build your sawmill in GIANT proportions. Our standard Giant Frame Upgrade involves building the sawmills an extra 200mm (7.8in) tall and wide.

Track Extensions

With Peterson's unlimited track extensions, you have access to versatility like never before, enabling you to cut logs of ANY length. Get your track extensions today, and take on even bigger milling projects!
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Looking for our sawmill prices?

Peterson Portable Sawmills manufacture and export worldwide from our factory in Rotorua, New Zealand. Encountering fluctuating freight, raw materials, currencies and export costs, therefore we have tailored pricelists pertaining to each country.
We also have over 40 different mill configurations to suit all applications, so it often helps to call and speak to us about your particular needs.

If you would like to recieve a copy of our digital Info Pack and Price List, please click here.