Well, after the days cut there is no more question about accuracy and output
I’m a worker in the forestry business and know a lot of different types of mobile sawmills, all of them bandsaws. I had experiences with using them and watching them go too. But all of the time I felt something missing.
The ability to cut up real big trees and that with a blunt sawblade the cut wasn’t accurate any more. And knots in the tree made the blade go off course too. Now using the Peterson Winch Production Frame, I’m so satisfied and happy with it.
Every time I show up with my mill the new customer is worried how this small packed up mill will cut his 8 metre long trees. But when he sees how it is set up and how accurate the manufacturing is, he gets more confident. Well, after the days cut there is no more question about accuracy and output.
Also I like that the machine is so safe to handle. The CE certificate made Peterson put a lot of more safety devices on, that now are standard on all of their machines.
One I like is the E-stop at the front to stop the engine in emergency, but so far it never happened that I needed it. They told me so far there has never been an accident with the mill as users had followed the good instruction manual closely. Also the handling bar at the front is very good to use. You have a good grip and everything is so easy to handle.
Keep it nice and clean and add a little oil as my father says, and the machine is running easy. So far I had no complaints what so ever about the manufacturing and handling.
We Germans have the reputation of so good engineering but I must say the New Zealanders are quite good too. All is so easy and well thought off, no – as we call it, schnickschnack – no unnecessary extras like hydraulics or computers or else, that might brake or malfunction in rough use, so the idea about being small easy and efficient is best put to use.
Thanks a lot for such a nice mill!
Georg Dettmer
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